Thursday, June 23, 2011

Get back in the game

Being injured and locked at home for a few weeks to recuperate can be really frustrating.  Makes me really miss my work out sessions.  I always try get my 3x/week work out but that will have to wait after a few months until my elbow fracture heals...I just miss my gym buddies and gym outfits of course!

Speaking of outfits...when we were in HK last month, I discovered in one of the outlet stores of ADIDAS that they have this Women's LOOKBOOK - Break the Style, Run the Street Outfit is pretty cool how the 9 stylists from 9 fashion forward cities represent their own town...check how they glam up or work those Adidas sports wear streetstyle chic, sporty, city or glam :) here are my favorites and now inspirations...

Paris City Style:
 Paris Sporty: 
 Rio Glam
 Of course my favorite fashion city Stockholm, City Style
 Stockholm Glam
 Stockholm Sporty
 Stockholm vintage
 And there is Tokyo City look
Tokyo Glam

All photos from this Adidas Site.

I am now an ADIDAS fan after seeing this and as soon as I get back in the game, will definitely sport their outfit soon...and on that note, just posting my own Sporty look haha!...this photo I took at the gym's locker room a few months back!  Really.. kailangan ba talga isinggit!...working that Hoodie!

Have great evening! :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


it's been a while sine my last post.  so many events and circumstances has happened..of which was our anniversary trip to hong kong and my birthday last june 6.  i  can not post our HK trip for now as I am having a hard time typing as we speak because my dominant arm is injured...yup broke and fractured my right elbow and now in cast and definitely in pain still considering i also had major surgery and they put titanum metal in me elbow :(...i am typing with my one hand right now and its pathetic and sad! :((

i just want to make a quick post right now of an outfit i wore at Eastwood 4 days before the accident happened at the office canteen..damn those clean and shiny floors!  not too friendly with girls in clogs.  i have phobia now going more lunch sessions at the canteen for now...:((

and by the way, i am in 2weeks rest and doctor certified i am still not fit to work.  Fun.. since i dont have to work and still get paid but then, there is not much i can do really with just one hand functioning <sigh> ...perhaps shopping will make me heal faster?! teehee! :)  or on a more cerebral note finish those books left behind a few months back..:).. augh! wish me luck!

loving this plaid

or wear the ring another way..inspired by the Jerseylicious girls ..hehe ;)

 my favorite earrings for now

Outffit by H&M
Accessories by ALDO

check out this giveaway by wonder woman rises cool earrings !!!